
The config.ini file allows customizing various options for the application that will be used by default.

This is where you can provide a path to studiomdl.exe which will enable the use of autocompile to automatically compile the .qc into a GoldSrc .mdl file.

Game configs can be set up with paths to your game and mod installs and the application will be able to look in these directories for any .wad packages to attempt to extract textures from. The wad list option can be used to list specific .wad packages to prioritize in this task.

Example config.ini

smoothing threshold = 60.0
rename chrome = no
output directory = 
steam directory = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
game config = halflife
studiomdl = %(steam directory)s\steamapps\common\Sven Co-op SDK\modelling\studiomdl.exe
autocompile = yes
timeout = 60.0
autoexit = no
wad cache = 15
wad list = 
;Example wad list:
;wad list = %(steam directory)s\steamapps\common\Half-Life\valve\halflife.wad,
;           %(steam directory)s\steamapps\common\Half-Life\valve\liquids.wad,

game = Half-Life
mod = valve

game = Sven Co-op
mod = svencoop

game = Half-Life
mod = cstrike