
Add the map2prop.fgd to your map editor’s game configuration to make use of the func_map2prop entity.


  • Name (targetname) - Sets a name that can be referenced by child objects using the Template prop key.
  • Exported model’s name (outname) - The name that will be used for the model file.
  • Exported model subfolder (subdir) - The subfolder of the output directory the model and its assets will be placed in.
  • Gamma (default 1.8) (gamma) - The value that will be used for the model’s $gamma QC command. Increasing the value will make the model darker, and decreasing the value will make the model brighter.
  • Smoothing (smoothing) - The angle threshold in degrees for which edges will be smooth-shaded. More fine-grained control can be achieved using BEVEL and CLIPBEVEL brushes.
  • Scale (scale) - Sets the $scale QC command for the model.
  • Flags (qc_flags) - Sets the value of the $flags QC command for the model.
  • Template prop (parent_model) - Set a parent func_map2prop’s Name here to use its model for this entity.
  • Export as its own model (own_model) - Whether to export the prop as its own model or merge it with the worldspawn model. (NOTE: When using --mapcompile this keyvalue is ignored and all func_map2prop entities will always be exported as their own models).
  • Chrome (chrome) - Whether to rename any textures with CHROME in the name to disable these receiving the chrome render mode by studiomdl.exe.
  • Classname after conversion (convert_to) - The classname to convert this entity to when using --mapcompile. NOTE: One can use a classname not listed in the choices by simply turning off SmartEdit and typing in the classname as the value.
    • cycler (0)
    • cycler_sprite (1)
    • env_sprite (2)
    • item_generic (3)
    • monster_furniture (4)
    • monster_generic (5)


  • Disable (1) - If set, this prop will be removed from the converted map


@SolidClass = func_map2prop : "Entity for Map2Prop to turn into a model" 
    spawnflags(flags) =
        1 : "Disable" : 0

    targetname(string) : "Name"
    outname(string) : "Exported model's name"
    subdir(string) : "Exported model subfolder"
    gamma(string) : "Gamma (default 1.8)" : "1.8"
    smoothing(string) : "Smoothing threshold (0 disables)" : "60.0"
    scale(string) : "Scale" : "1.0"
    qc_flags(integer) : "Flags" : 0
    parent_model(string) : "Template prop"
    own_model(choices) : "Export as its own model" : 1 =
        0: "No"
        1: "Yes"
    chrome(choices) : "Chrome setting override" : 0 =
        0: "Default"
        1: "Rename chrome textures (disable chrome)"
    convert_to(choices) : "Classname after conversion" : 0 =
        0: "cycler"
        1: "cycler_sprite"
        2: "env_sprite"
        3: "item_generic"
        4: "monster_furniture"
        5: "monster_generic"